
Profile Documents are special documents in Domino databases that are used to store configuration and other information, often user-based. Profile documents are special in that they typically don't appear in views but are mainly accessed through formulas and scripts.  

For more information on Profile Documents/Forms please refer to the HCL Documentation.


Configuring iDNA to collect Profile Documents 

By default, iDNA Applications does not collect Profile documents from applications, but it can be configured to do so. This article takes you through the steps required to enable Profile Document collection.  

Database Re-Scan Required

iDNA collects Profile Documents as part of the design collection. After this property has been configured, a re-scan of database designs (for all databases you are interested in) is required.

Steps to Update Configuration Files

  1. Use the ssh client of your choice (e.g. putty on Windows) to connect to the appliance and log in as 'root'. 
  2. Navigate to iDNA config directory (using the following command): 

    cd /opt/panagenda/appdata/volumes/idna 

  3. Edit the dda-config.properties file (Using the nano editor. Unlike vi, nano is a modeless editor, which means that you can start typing and editing the text immediately after opening the file)
    nano dda-config.properties 
  4. Add a new line with the following configuration: 
  5. Save and exit the file (In nano, use Ctrl+x).  You can then optionally verify your change using the cat command:
    cat dda-config.properties 
  6. Restart the DDA container: 
    docker restart panagenda_dda 


Initiating the Design Re-Scan

iDNA Applications collects design information in order to surface complexity, insights, profile information and the various applications in your environment. Once iDNA Applications has been configured to aggregate Profile Documents, we recommend re-collecting the set of applications that you may wish to have included in iDNA Applications analytics. 

To initiate a re-scan, go to the "Settings" menu and select "Design analysis status"



There are a series of options to choose from when it comes to what should be re-scanned: 

  • Filtered Results (the DB list can be filtered by interacting with column headers. if no filters are applied, all DBs will be re-scanned) 
  • All Failed Databases (DBs where a scan failed previously) 
  • Previously inaccessible Databases (DBs where access was denied in previous attempts) 



Issues with Design Collection

In cases where errors have occurred with a design collection on a database, whether DXL errors, or issues with the design in an application, you may need to troubleshoot further. For more information on Troubleshooting Design Collection Issues please reference the technote: www.panagenda.com/kbase/display/IA/Troubleshooting+Design+Collection+Issues)