panagenda GreenLight uses SSL encryption for communication between its backend and its browser based rich user interface. A SSL encryption requires a corresponding SSL certificate. By default, panagenda GreenLight uses a certificate created by panagenda.
To connect to the Web Interface, you have to confirm the warning you get from your browser.
If your environment policies do not allow the use of the panagenda SSL certificate, you can create your own SSL certificate or import an existing SSL certificate in GreenLight.

Creation of an own SSL Certificate or import of an existing SSL certificate is only required when it is NOT POSSIBLE to use the default panagenda GreenLight SSL certificate.

Import an existing  SSL Certificate  (optional)

  • Copy PEM and KEY file to

IMPORTANT: Please use the same filename for your keys!

  • open PUTTY console and execute: docker restart gl_nginx
    Wait until NGINX container is restarted and access again the Webpage of GL.
    The new SSL is now active: