Are Those End-User Hardware Upgrades Necessary Right Now? Maybe Not.



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The rationale for undergoing regular IT hardware upgrades is based on outdated thinking. If you are tied to a legacy refresh cycle for end-user devices every 3-5 years, then you are most likely upgrading sooner than necessary. There is a better, less-costly method for hardware asset management using data-driven decisions based on performance metrics. In this webinar we are going to show how modernized digital experience monitoring (DEM) solutions can help you avoid costly IT hardware upgrades and get the most out of your technology investments.

Why Adopt a Need-Based Approach to Your End-User Device Refresh Strategy?

Need-based procurement moves away from refreshing devices based on an arbitrary deadline that makes little sense. By evaluating the production performance data of an end-user computer, an IT operations group can determine if the device still satisfies an appropriate digital experience level for the employee. Enterprise organizations can save hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly by using need-based procurement rather than traditional IT hardware refresh cycles.
Please join us for this real-world discussion on measuring IT hardware performance metrics from end-user devices to determine their upgrade / replacement needs. If you want to move to a need-based hardware asset management cycle, then you should see how accurate, device performance metrics can provide the actionable insights you need.

What you will learn

  • A cost optimization strategy for I&O leaders
  • Avoiding unnecessary, costly hardware refresh cycles
  • Using data-drive budget planning for future hardware expenses
  • Enjoying predictable costs for maintaining and modernizing IT hardware

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