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iDNA Applications supports you with a wide array of new Code Insights to help you prepare for these new platforms. After all, ignoring these topics may mean that your applications' functionality and associated business processes might be at risk!

Code Search Results and Insights Exploration

When After performing a code search, a new button will now appear that allows exploring the results in a Metabase dashboard. 

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This new Metabase dashboard was added to give a more summarized result of a search that is easier to export and requires less interaction when used, for example, to create a task list.

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Insights Findings Exploration

Similar to the previous new feature, this new Dashboard accessible from iDNAs left-side navigation menu via "Design" → "Insights Findings by Code Element in Database" gives a way to explore the results (or Findings) of Insights. 

It displays the findings in a summarized, tabular structure that makes it easy to filter and export a list of Findings by code element for further processing.

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Code Insights: Insights were previously only re-calculated if at least one database design was re-scanned since the last nightly processing. This could create a delay for results of newly created Insights appearing in the UI. It has Changes have been changed added so that Insights are re-calculated as well if an Insight was added or modified, or a database has been re-scanned.

DLAU Integration: Recent updates in DLAU have been incorporated.


Usage Cluster Calculation: The default parameters for the processing of usage clusters have been changed due to a significant impact on the duration of the nightly processing task in large environments. The previous setting that essentially said "calculate for the entire recorded history" has been changed to "calculate for the last 90 days". This setting can be modified by setting the ETL parameter "ai_usage_cluster_last_activity_max_days" (navigate to https://<your-idna-host>/idna/sys/etl → ETL Properties).

Bug Fixes

Code/Design Collection: A issue has been fixed that would lead to compiled Formula code not being properly decoded during design collection.


Design will have to be re-collected for each database that contains Formula code and may be affected by this issues.

Even though our observations internally and at customers point to this being a comparatively rare occurrence, we recommend re-collecting the entire application landscape to make sure no potentially relevant code blocks are being ignored. A re-scan can be started by going
to "Settings" → "Design Analysis Status". There, the default filtered results will include all relevant DBs and clicking selecting "Start" will trigger a re-scan. 


Insights Processing: An issue has been resolved that would lead to custom insights processing failing in rare cases. Overall processing for insights has been improved and it now allows for creating the creation of more complex regular expression patterns.


Virtually all Docker images/containers have undergone significant updates in outward facing components and underlying libraries. This provides a significant improvement in performance, stability and security.

Data Warehouse Rebuild Required

titleDWH Rebuild Required

After installing the update, parts of the application may not be available until the data warehouse is rebuilt. This process runs automatically at night, but can be triggered manually after the update. On the first login after the installation, more information on this topic will be displayed, along with the option to trigger the rebuild.

Upgrade Procedure: Container Installer
