Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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  • New techniques for compressing data, extending local storage capabilities and to reduce the number of requests sent to the cloud were implemented
  • Enhancements were made to further bolster security.
  • Role Based Support (Note: this is not RBAC) was added to allow administrators the option to assign specific roles to users, granting access to preview releases (insider ring) or GA versions of the TrueDEM Agent.
  • Role Based Support also facilitates the identification and management of focus group users
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TrueDEM Manager v6

This update streamlines agent deployment with support for insider ring releases of preview versions. Additionally, TrueDEM Manager v6 includes various enhancements to ensure a smooth and efficient deployment process for the OfficeExpert TrueDEM agent.

Enhanced Search capabilities

We're constantly refining TrueDEM to make it easier and faster to find the information you need. Here's a breakdown of the latest improvements:

Focus Your Search: Improved User Discovery

The User Search page is a central hub for accessing user-specific information, including call lists, user details, and real-time call metrics. It also provides insights into user device connections.

  • Filter by Agent Status: By default, the User Search now prioritizes users with the TrueDEM agent installed, saving you time by eliminating irrelevant results.
  • Focus Group Targeting: Easily filter users by assigned Focus Group role (see above for details on roles).
  • Flexible Search Options: No minimum search length is required any more, giving you more control over your search queries.
  • Recent Search History: Quickly access previously viewed user profiles with the new "Recent History" feature.

Recent Search History

Having to search for the same person all the time because you are debugging them and need to access their information multiple times over longer periods can get annoying, so we included a feature called “Recent History.” This feature remembers which users you recently accessed data for and show them on opening the search page the next time you open Search. So, having that director’s links pop up immediately when he calls you for the third time this week? No problem! You can even curate the list of recently visited users by removing entries, or by clearing the list completely.

Enhanced User Experience

We're constantly refining TrueDEM to make it easier and faster to find the information you need. Here's a breakdown of the latest improvements:

Improved Navigation:

  • Intuitive Links: We've streamlined navigation by adding links between related pages (e.g., user experience & user details) and removing outdated links.

Enhanced Insights:

  • Ongoing Call Indicator: The Real-Time Call Data page now clearly displays the status of ongoing calls, along with automatic refreshes to update the information.
  • Agent Manager Version Tracking: A new graph on the agent support page visualizes deployed Agent Manager versions. Clicking a bar provides a detailed report with exportable data.

Expanded Help Resources:

  • Context-Sensitive Help: Access relevant help content directly within the application for quicker troubleshooting.
  • Enhanced Help


  • System: We've implemented a new method to continuously expand our library of helpful resources.

Additional bug fixes are documented on our Intermediate update page.