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Streamlining Microsoft Teams for Everyone



Advance your organization’s MS Teams analysis and insights to improve the end-user experience, promote global adoption, and take your employees’ productivity to a whole new level. The MS Teams webinar series is now available for you on-demand.

Top 5 Differences between MS Teams and Enterprise Social Networking Platforms
At a time when Cloud-based productivity tools are the current rage, one keeps wondering whether Enterprise Social Networking platforms (ESNs) still make sense in the digital workplace to help transform organisations. Becoming more open, transparent and collaborative through social networks and online communities are always enticing motivators. How do you differentiate though the value add from messaging & team collaboration apps versus ESNs‘? Where do you begin? Join this compelling webinar featuring guest speakers Rainer Gimbel and Frank Nestler – both digital strategists, social & collaboration experts at Evonik Industries AG, the largest specialty chemicals company in the world1. Discover and learn how you can get the most out of different use cases, powerful stories and social analytics to distinguish rather effectively when, and for what purpose, to use messaging apps like Microsoft Teams or ESNs like IBM Connections. Have you yourself experienced the power of the ‚Like‘ to help amplify your own social networks‘ worth? Come and find out!
1 Coast, Melody M. Bomgardner, C&EN West. „Clariant and Huntsman to join in $20 billion deal | Chemical & Engineering News“ , May 22, 2017

Speaker: Luis Suarez with Rainer Gimbel (Digital Strategist – Evonik) and Frank Nestler (Social & Collaboration Expert- Evonik)
Date: AUGUST 27, 2019
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Fact-based decision making for your Teams ecosystem
When it comes to deploying Microsoft Teams, defining a clear path for adoption and actually sticking to it can be difficult if all you have to rely on is the data provided by Office365. If you’re using additional API’s and data sources, it’s easy to lose track in the vast amounts of information available. Either way, reliable measurement of adoption and engagement is almost impossible. Join us for this webinar and you’ll learn how to analyze your data to derive facts you can use to set realistic goals. Take the guesswork out of making decisions on your Teams adoption journey and accurately measuring your adoption progress across your entire organization.

Speaker: Ben Menesi
Date: SEPTEMBER 11, 2019
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5 Methods to maximize the impact of MS Teams in 2019
Your time and the company’s money just went into installing the latest software. Was it worth the effort? Convincing a person to climb the new-software learning curve is always a challenge. Convincing a group is even harder. Convincing everyone, as with collaboration software, can seem impossible. In this webinar, you will learn about tips and tools to assist you with even the most difficult cases. See how easy it can be to explore your environment and use the insights you discover to ensure your hard work isn’t wasted.

Speaker: Stefan Fried
Date: OCTOBER 17, 2019
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How to add analytics on top of your Microsoft Teams value chain like an MVP
One does not simply roll out a new piece of software. Adequate and ongoing training and enablement efforts are essential for a successful deployment. For Microsoft Teams, identifying the engagement level of end-users is just one important aspect. Although you might be able to imagine that there are plenty of other crucial scenarios, it may be difficult to know how to implement them for your organization. MVP guest speaker Samuel Zürcher from Experts Inside and MS Teams enthusiast Stefan Fried, are going to explain actual instances where analytical power has boosted MS Teams adoption to staggering heights. Register for this action-packed ride of never- before heard secrets that you can implement in your MS Teams environment.

Speaker: Stefan Fried with MVP Samuel Zürcher (Experts Inside)
Date: NOVEMBER 19, 2019
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What you will learn

  • Make your Teams ecosystem highly tangible
    Graphical displays unique to Teams Analytics show how your people connect and collaborate in your digital workplace
  • Understand the depth of your user engagment
    Start with the global perspective and use interactive drill-down charts to gain unique insights into individual user behavior down to the smallest detail. Especially, to better understand how people collaborate in groups
  • Get the best from your platform(s)
    Respond to issues quickly and keep your application running smoothly. Deliver the ultimate digital workplace experience and meet your users‘ demands

Who should join