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Staying Under These Performance Redlines Will Improve VoIP Call Quality



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Read our Webinar Slides on Slideshare.

Please join us for this discussion with Ståle Hansen (Microsoft RD & Teams MVP). We are going to explore the maximum limits for Hardware and Networking performance that impact Teams call quality.

If your company is relying on Microsoft Teams for all calls and meetings, then you need to attend this webinar. This will be a technical discussion with Microsoft Teams UC experts on the performance redlines that cannot be crossed. We will review actual metrics from our current customers including over 1 Million endpoints. If you want to improve VoIP call quality for your employees then you must remain beneath these barriers.

During the webinar you will receive an introduction to OfficeExpert Endpoint Performance Monitoring (EPM). This new SaaS solution provides accurate data analytics for Microsoft 365 and Teams voice performance from the end-user perspective. If you want to identify the performance redlines for your end-users and proactively fix hardware limitations and network slowdowns then this solution will provide the actionable insights you need.  

During the webinar you will learn about the maximum limits for device hardware and networking performance. Staying underneath these redlines will ensure acceptable Teams call quality performance for your employees.

What you will learn

  • Maximum CPU and Memory Usage Limits
  • Performance redline you cannot cross for Round-Trip-Times (RTT)
  • How to determine bad ISP performance
  • How to proactively improve VoIP call quality
  • Why getting to the Microsoft Cloud Global Network quickly is so important!

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