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Lessons Learned: Insights to Improve Support for MS Teams in a Hybrid Work Environment



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Read our Webinar Slides on Slideshare.

Microsoft Teams now has well over 270 Million active users. If your organization is relying on Teams for day-to-day communications, including calls and meetings, then you need to attend this webinar. We have some interesting information to share from enterprise organizations that are working to optimize support for Teams in a hybrid work environment.

There are three major lessons that you can implement today to improve the Digital Experience (DX) for your Microsoft Teams deployment:

1) Standardize software versions for Microsoft Teams across your organization
2) Identify ISPs used by remote workers that have lagging network performance
3) Audit hardware performance for users and upgrade/reconfigure devices with identified issues

Please join us for this webinar to discuss real-world stories from other enterprise organizations and learn how they were able to proactively identify call quality issues and improve the DX for their Team’s deployment in their hybrid work environment. During the webinar, you will receive an OfficeExpert Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) overview. This SaaS solution provides data analytics for Microsoft Teams performance and calls quality from the end-user perspective. If you want to know the truth about your Team’s digital experience then you need to see how data-driven, actionable insights can identify necessary endpoint/networking enhancements and speed troubleshooting for any issues.

What you will learn

  • Proactive monitoring for the remote user digital experience
  • Identifying slow ISPs causing poor call quality for users working remotely
  • Real-time performance monitoring for FAST troubleshooting
  • Detailed analytics that shows lagging performance on endpoint devices

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