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HCL Master’s Class: The Ultimate Guide to Operating Notes – Season 1



Are 80% fewer help desk tickets possible? Make your IBM Notes clients self-healing with MarvelClient
You know how easy it is for things to go wrong with Notes. Things break, end-users misplace their desktop icons or change settings on a whim. They don’t follow instructions. Notes clients get set up inconsistently. Come and learn how you can use MarvelClient to tackle all these issues and prevent productivity loss and frustration for your end-users. You will see how you can centrally configure every aspect of your Notes clients the way you want them to be. They will apply on every start, thereby making Notes self-healing. From then on, a simple restart will fix most problems. Free up time for admins and helpdesk, and create happy end-users!

Speaker: Christoph Adler
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Roaming with MarvelClient: Fast, cheap, good – why not all three?
You have shared machines? Factory floor? VDI or Citrix? People who have several machines? Find out how you can roam your client configuration with MarvelClient. Make IBM Notes faster, reduce network and storage cost, and improve end-user experience. As a bonus, you will see how it serves as backup in case of hardware loss or swap. The end-user will get back their known Notes client configuration (incl desktop icons etc) with their first start on the new machine!

Speaker: Christoph Adler
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What you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask about MarvelClient
MarvelClient can be a daunting product with its many features. Many admins restrict themselves to the few things they know. Come and see what you are missing; you may be surprised how much more you can get out of it! Join our expert on a tour of some of the more exciting features and possibilities that MarvelClient offers and learn how to utilize its full power. When you are done, you will have a better understanding of and feel more comfortable with the breadth of MarvelClient’s functionality. Not only will you walk away with ideas for improving your environment; you’ll have the know-how to start implementing them right then and there!

Speaker: Christoph Adler
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Can IBM Notes be fast and stable? Oh yes. You can make it possible with MarvelClient
You know it from your end-users‘ complaints and from your own daily experience: Notes can be a bit unpleasant to use, sometimes slow, sometimes outright unstable. But it doesn’t have to be! Much faster client starts, less latency, more reactive UI, and fewer hangs and crashes: you (together with MarvelClient) can make it happen. We’ll teach you all the details you need to know. With what you learn here you can make your life better and significantly improve your end-users‘ daily Notes experience at the same time.

Speaker: Christoph Adler
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What you will learn

  • Experiences from an HCL Master in a variety of topics
  • Discover new opportunities for delivering greater value
  • Gain a unique perspective on Notes thought leadership

Who should join