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Get a grip on a changing mail and application landscape



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Read our Webinar Slides on Slideshare.

IT is evolving faster than ever. Notes applications are being retired and new ones are added. People use mail delegation to grant or revoke access. Employees join or leave. You want to make sure each user has all the right applications and mail files at their fingertips, pointing to the right servers, with the right replication settings.
In this webinar you will see how our customers achieved this, and how you can get there as well:
• Manage your users‘ workspace, bookmarks, mail file and -settings, and replicas
• Choose your fit: from just managing links to specific applications, to a fully standardized, role-specific workspace
• Ensure constantly changing mail delegation is automatically reflected on your Notes clients
• Handle the client-side of the Domino application lifecycle, from roll-out to retirement
• Solve the removal of retired or deprecated applications and mail files quickly and permanently, even for very large user and application counts
After this session you will have a broad set of tools and the necessary understanding, to perfectly meet all your Domino application needs, while lowering admin and helpdesk effort.
Join HCL Master, Christoph Adler today to make your users‘ (and your) life better!

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