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Emergency Alert – Why Do Your CEO’s Microsoft Teams Calls Keep Dropping?



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Microsoft Teams has become the default Telecom System at many enterprise organizations. That means the call quality from Teams must be reliable and consistent, especially for executives. And troubleshooting issues needs to be fast and efficient. When problems arise, you need to react quickly, analyze all the performance data, find the root cause, and get it fixed!

However, without the detailed telemetry data to research the true cause, reported call quality issues continue unchecked by most IT groups. This is painfully true for remote workers where IT has visibility gaps for home networks, internet service providers (ISPs), and endpoint computer performance. Having the viewpoint from the end-user digital experience is of utmost importance when trying to find the root cause for Teams call quality issues. What processes and applications were running on the endpoint computer and how was the performance from the home office network and ISP (i.e., Dropped Packets, Hop Count, Round-Trip Times, Peering Distance)?

Enterprise organizations need a holistic monitoring tool that provides end-to-end visibility into the employee experience, regardless of where they are working. In this webinar, you will receive an introduction to OfficeExpert Endpoint Performance Monitoring (EPM). This new SaaS solution provides data analytics for Microsoft 365 performance and availability from the end-user perspective. If you want to know the truth about your Teams call quality experience, then please join us to see how actionable insights can speed troubleshooting and help remediate issues before they become escalations from an executive.

What you will learn

  • Fast troubleshooting for call quality issue resolution
  • Proactive monitoring for home office network performance
  • Identify slow ISP’s causing poor call quality for remote users
  • Detailed analytics for end-point computers (CPU, memory usage, background processes, etc.)

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