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Don’t end up in a ditch because you weren’t aware of roadblocks in your source code



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Read our Webinar Slides on Slideshare.

It’s dangerous to underestimate the impact of database design on the future of your Notes/Domino applications. It doesn’t matter if you are modernizing or migrating. Each path has to deal with its own challenges around platform dependencies or incompatibility in the source code. Having the code base at your fingertips is key to mastering these challenges before they turn into issues.

Join Franz Walder for this webinar and learn how to identify the potential roadblocks. You will leave being able to apply these findings to your own project. They will help you avoid the complications so many others have run into. Project managers and developers alike will benefit from increased efficiency while reducing risk at the same time.

Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.

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