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Break down M365 successes per organizational unit



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Combine flexibility with a focus on people to see more clearly what is driving your M365 performance

The early success of OfficeExpert was founded on the depth and breadth of the data made available for analyzing usage trends, licensing distribution and many other activities. However, when business unit managers wanted to also view these metrics inside the same UI it became necessary to cordon off their data into a separate segment. To enable this capability and make it easy to configure for IT administrators we have created Tenant Partitioning to filter subsets of data stored inside OfficeExpert.
The all new, innovative Tenant Partitioning allows organizations to create segmented data pockets within OfficeExpert using just a few clicks and then assign users to specific groups that ONLY have access to view that subset of data. This allows organizations to filter M365 usage metrics by department, organization, geographic location as needed and allow analysis by business unit leaders or line-of-business IT admins.
In this webinar, you will receive a front-row seat to view the new Tenant Partitioning functionality and watch how groups of users can be granted secure access to view a subset of usage data from OfficeExpert.

What you will learn

  • Setting up filtered data segments to partition M365 tenant metrics
  • Assigning users to secure access groups
  • Usage reporting from a tenant partition

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