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3 Insights from Enterprise Organizations to Improve the Digital Experience for Microsoft Teams Voice



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A startling revelation has come to light during our recent assessments for Teams call quality at enterprise organizations around the world. We have found that 24% of employees using Microsoft Teams for calls and meetings will experience call quality issues every week. Most of these go unreported to the Helpdesk or IT operations, causing end-users to suffer with ongoing poor call quality. And these are rarely issues with the Microsoft cloud.

So, what is the digital experience (DX) for your employees using Teams voice? Are any of them suffering from performance problems? How do you know?


After working with many enterprise customers over the past 18 months we have identified THREE common problems that degrade performance for end-users during Teams calls and meetings, especially those working remotely. Here are the areas where these DX issues occur:

1) Underperforming computers (CPU, memory usage, background processes, etc.)
2) Networking bandwidth slowdowns (WiFi signal strength, overloaded Routers/Switches, etc.)
3) and Cloud connection bottlenecks (ISPs, VPN routing, etc.)

Please join us for this webinar to discuss real world stories from other enterprise organizations and learn how they were able to proactively identify call quality issues and improve the DX for their Teams deployment. During the webinar you will receive an overview of OfficeExpert Endpoint Performance Monitoring (EPM). This SaaS solution provides data analytics for Microsoft Teams performance and call quality from the end-user perspective. If you want to know the truth about your Teams digital experience then you need to see how data-driven, actionable insights can identify necessary endpoint / networking enhancements and speed troubleshooting for reported issues.

What you will learn

  • Proactive monitoring for the remote user digital experience
  • Identifying slow ISPs causing poor call quality for remote users
  • Detailed analytics that show lagging performance on endpoint devices
  • And more…

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