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HCL Notes Upgrades, wie Sie sie noch nie gesehen haben

Billiger, schneller und 100% zuverlässig. MarvelClient Upgrade macht es möglich.

Einfache Preisgestaltung und keine Überraschungen

Jährlich kostet dies weniger als wenn Sie es selbst machen würden. Wirklich.


Effizienz steigern. 5x schnelleres Upgrade im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Upgrade-Ansätzen.


Unschlagbarer ROI. Ihre Investition macht sich in weniger als 6 Monaten bezahlt.


Sie befinden sich in guter Gesellschaft. Kunden-geliebt. Von der Industrie millionenfach validiert.

Minimieren Sie Kopfschmerzen durch Notes-Upgrades

  • Nahtlose Upgrades ohne Unterbrechung für die Benutzer
  • Unterstützt Upgrades von jeder Installationsversion auf jede gewünschte Zielversion
  • Superschnell, kosteneffizient und 100% zuverlässig
  • Upgrade in einem einzigen Schritt ohne Benutzerinteraktion
  • Kein Schreiben von Skripten oder Anpassen von Installationsprogrammen erforderlich
Tell us where you are today

(incl. saving work, running the upgrade, restarting, restoring work state, etc)


(package, test, software deployment, etc)

(example: €100k salary, plus €20k benefits would equal €120k total FTE costs, which would translate to approximately €60/hour)

This is what your Notes upgrade could look like tomorrow

Based on benchmarks from panagenda MarvelClient Upgrade customers, this is what we project for you and your team.

Prep/Work time – Admin

Packaging, testing, dealing with software deployment

_ hours

_ hours

_ hours saved

1 MC Upgrade has decades of expert know-how built-in to take the hard work off your hands. Our wizard makes upgrades easy and guides you through all the steps. The more you use it, the faster you will get.

Wait time – Business Users

Interrupting work, waiting for upgrade to run

_ hours

_ hours

_ hours saved

2 A real-world MC Upgrade – start to finish – takes only 8 minutes of a user’s time. This time includes installing hot fixes, language packs, fix packs, plugins, etc. Under ideal circumstances, just installing a client can even go through in 2 minutes. No restart required.

Support time – Help desk

Manually fixing problems via remote control or phone

_ hours

_ hours

_ hours saved

3 Typical MC customers have 90% fewer help desk tickets, and tickets can be solved at least 33% faster. MarvelClient analytics gives your support all the data and tools to be fast and helpful. Upgrades that have problems can be safely restarted with a single click.

Down time – Business Users

Trying to fix problems, then waiting for help desk to fix them

_ hours

_ hours

_ hours saved

4 A user will lose productive time:

•  Trying to solve it themselves
•  Asking colleagues
•  Submitting a ticket
•  Waiting for help desk to respond
•  Sitting there while help desk solves the issue

The much lower incidence of issues, and the faster turnaround time for those that still happen lets your users get back to work faster.

MarvelClient saves you


in work time on each upgrade.

Estimated prices and cost savings relating to MarvelClient Upgrade projects are calculated based on benchmarks from panagenda MarvelClient Upgrade customers. Savings listed above are estimates only and are not guaranteed by panagenda. This is not an offer. panaganda's prices are subject to change. Actual savings will vary by customer based on their current costs and individual needs. Contact panagenda for an individualized savings estimate. read more This cost calculator is provided "as is" and with all faults, and panagenda hereby disclaims all express or implied warranties, including without limitation, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or other warranties of quality, and all other liabilities and obligations.

Under no circumstances will panagenda be liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential (including damages from loss of business, lost profits, harm to reputation or goodwill, or the like), special, exemplary, punitive, or other damages, under any legal theory (including tort, warranty, contract, product liability or otherwise), that arise out of or relate to the use of (or inability to use) this cost calculator, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

1 MC Upgrade has decades of expert know-how built-in to take the hard work off your hands. Our wizard makes upgrades easy and guides you through all the steps. The more you use it, the faster you will get.

2 A real-world MC Upgrade – start to finish – takes only 8 minutes of a user’s time. This time includes installing hot fixes, language packs, fix packs, plugins, etc. Under ideal circumstances, just installing a client can even go through in 2 minutes. No restart required.

3 Typical MC customers have 90% fewer help desk tickets, and tickets can be solved at least 33% faster. MarvelClient analytics gives your support all the data and tools to be fast and helpful. Upgrades that have problems can be safely restarted with a single click.

4 A user will lose productive time:

  • Trying to solve it themselves
  • Asking colleagues
  • Submitting a ticket
  • Waiting for help desk to respond
  • Sitting there while help desk solves the issue

The much lower incidence of issues, and the faster turnaround time for those that still happen lets your users get back to work faster.

Dieses Sonderangebot umfasst

Unbegrenzte Funktionalität

Abheben ohne Countdown. Holen Sie sich den Zugang zu MarvelClient Upgrade, alle Funktionen und Möglichkeiten ohne Einschränkungen.

Jumpstart und Best Practices Guides

Sie erhalten unbegrenzten Zugriff auf eine umfangreiche Bibliothek mit Best-Practice-Leitfäden, Videos und unsere Knowledge Base, um im Handumdrehen erstklassige Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

$ 2 pro Benutzer

Zahlen Sie nur einen niedrigen Preis für die Clients, die aufgerüstet werden müssen. Kein Mindestumsatz. Alle aufgeführten Preise verstehen sich zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer.

Einfache, transparente Preisgestaltung. Zahlen Sie nur für das, was Sie brauchen.

Inhalt Spotlight

Komparative Analyse

5 gute Gründe für ein MarvelClient Upgrade

Sehen Sie, wie MarvelClient Upgrade im Vergleich zu anderen Upgrade-Alternativen abschneidet.

Maximieren Sie den ROI Ihrer HCL Notes-Investition

  • Senken Sie Ihre Kosten, sparen Sie Zeit, und verbessern Sie das Kundenerlebnis
  • Leichte Skalierbarkeit über Einheiten und Regionen hinweg
  • Bleiben Sie verbunden und organisiert, während Sie aus der Ferne arbeiten
  • Bewältigung bestehender Herausforderungen und Schaffung von Mehrwert auf neue Weise


Das Notes-Erlebnis aufwerten

Deutschlands beliebtester Küchenhersteller verlässt sich auf MarvelClient Upgrade, um erhebliche Kosteneinsparungen, Sicherheit, Effizienz und globale Reichweite zu erzielen.

Sie haben Fragen? Wir würden gerne helfen.