Achieving Operational Excellence in HCL Notes and Nomad

Expert Talks Series

New times, newer challenges: IT operations are facing an increasing number of systems to support, a dwindling employee count, less and less familiarity with the HCL stack, and little time to deal with any single topic. Like that is not bad enough, you have to add the reality of hybrid environments — like mail living in systems from other vendors — or the challenges of turning HCL Nomad into a smooth user experience. All combined this yields a recipe for disaster. Yet, operational excellence must prevail.

Our Expert Talks Series “Achieving Operational Excellence in HCL Notes and Nomad” addresses some of the currently most pressing topics in the HCL universe: from making hybrid environments work to bringing a modern user experience to Nomad.

Overall, attending these webinars will help you optimize the HCL Notes and Nomad user experience and give you the tools and know-how to make your job easier and increase your operational excellence.

Expert Talks Series

Achieving Operational Excellence in HCL Notes and Nomad

April 18, 2023

4pm CEST | 10am EDT

Session 1

HCL Notes and Nomad Troubleshooting for Dummies

Get an eye-opening boost in knowledge and skills from experts with 20+ years of field experience with HCL Notes and Nomad troubleshooting.

May 04, 2023

4pm CEST | 10am EDT

Session 2

Hybrid Environments and What They Mean for HCL Notes and Nomad

Learn from an HCL Champion how to conquer the challenges of operating HCL Notes and Nomad in hybrid environments.

June 06, 2023

4pm CEST | 10am EDT

Session 3

Bring the Modern and Seamless User Experience You Deserve to HCL Nomad

Be among the first to achieve Nomad clients that give your users what they need: a modern and seamless user experience.


All webinars of this Expert Talks Series participated. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed in the future.